Pycharm vs intellij
Pycharm vs intellij

If you work with a large team, there may be a benefit to using what other people around you are using, especially if they've set it up really nicely and committed the configuration to the repo.ģ. Don't let prejudices like "it's an IDE", "it's written in Java", "it's written by Microsoft", or "it'll take longer than an hour to learn it" hold you back.Ģ. V8 was written by a bunch of ex-Sun people working at Google.Īt the end of the day, after very careful consideration, the only irrefutable arguments in favor of VS Code, in my mind, compared to P圜harm, WebStorm, IntelliJ, etc. And here's the kicker: they were both written by a lot of the same people. Java and JavaScript are both based on VMs written in C++. It's a little frustrating to me that people are prejudiced against P圜harm because it's written in Java. Saying that it can do a lot of the things P圜harm does doesn't convince me that it's better than P圜harm.ĥ. Nor does saying that it's lightweight make sense since it's based on Electron which is itself based on millions of lines of C++.Ĥ. Calling it anything other than an IDE just doesn't make sense to me. It has an editor, an integrated shell, integrated version control, an integrated debugger, integrated linting, etc.

#Pycharm vs intellij code

I don't buy the fact that VS Code is an "editor with a few features from an IDE". Anything more is an invitation to yak shave-which, as you can see, I'm already prone to :-Pģ. One good light theme and one good dark theme is really all that matters to me. I rarely restart P圜harm, so waiting, let's say, 15 seconds once a week or so is irrelevant when I consider all the time it saves me throughout the day.Ģ. These arguments in favor of VS Code are not very persuasive to me:ġ. I'll admit that the guy who wrote the Python extension for VS Code just got hired by Microsoft, which is good, but I think my point still stands. An extension written by a third-party developer is no match for something done very well by the company itself at a foundational level. My point is that VS Code works really well for TypeScript and JavaScript, but I think IntelliJ's "infrastructure" makes it better for a whole range of languages. It's well known that rope isn't nearly as good as what P圜harm has built in. When I went to go rename a variable in Python in VS Code, it complained that I hadn't installed rope. The rebase flow is incredibly well done, especially when dealing with conflicts.ģ. The Git support in P圜harm is far more complete and advanced. I can have a whole "stack" of completely different search results in different tabs.Ģ. This is really important if the refactor takes me a few days, and I need to leave the results open the whole time. (Trying to do the same in VS Code is a fairly frustrating experience.) If I need to search for something else, I can save the results in a new tab without losing the original search. As I go through each entry, I don't lose my place in the find results, even if I have to edit the code for a few minutes. I can search for something in order to do a cross-project refactor. The Find window is much better in P圜harm. I think there are three things I miss the most in VS Code compared to P圜harm, WebStorm, IntelliJ, etc.:ġ. I think this video Moving from WebStorm to VSCode does a pretty good job tackling this question, but I remain unconvinced. more productive) than WebStorm, P圜harm, IntelliJ, etc." One question that I really wanted to tackle is "Are there ways in which VS Code is actually better (i.e. I can watch YouTube videos for hours studying how each works and why people like them. To be honest, I'm pretty compulsive obsessive about the whole thing. I spend a lot of time futzing with editors and IDEs.

Pycharm vs intellij