More than 75 senior musicians have played for the Album "Thrahimam" and the Album was produced over 7 months, with recording across 15 studios and 3 states ( TN, AP and Kerala) of India. Music Director 'Pranam' Kamlakhar has justice to the traditional Hymns ( Keerthanas) by using the state-of-the-art technology in recording and production. This album will show case to the world the treasure trove that is hidden within the 'Andhra Christian Hymnal'. We have retained the beauty of the original lyrics, but have infused newer world sounds into the composition to make them contemporary without losing their tradition. These 'Keerthanas' are more than 50 years old and some of them have been around for more than 150 years since they were first sung.

Thrahimam consists of 7 favourite 'Telugu Keerthanas' that are traditionally sung in churches across Andhra Pradesh.

Therefore our first album has been aptly titled "Thrahimam" meaning "my soul cries out in thirst to the divine". It is our intention to continue to bring music that levitates the soul. Our belief that music has the power to uplift the soul inspired us to produce songs with endearing spiritual value. We have always used the arts as a medium of reaching out to people thus enabling behavioural change and effectively advocating for their rights and needs. Since then we have been very active in the empowerment of depressed and marginalised people on the fringes of society, such as people with disabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS and persons from the sexual minorities. It evolved out of the parent organisation 'Dorcas Research Centre for Education, Art and Culture' which was founded in 1992 by the late Shri. It was set up because of our belief that "enabling, enriching and equipping" people from diverse backgrounds was facilitated through education, art and culture as medium. Impact Zone India is a not-for-profit music production and distribution house.